every month i delve into the buddhasphere to come up with interesting tidbits in buddhist writing. this time around i was interested in the concept of right action. the poem we start out with today is the famous shin jin mei poem the perfect way knows no difficulties except that it refuses to make preferences;… Continue reading august 2010 buddhist carnival: right action
Results for "buddhist carnival"
july buddhist carnival: the humble edition
in the last few weeks, i have had many an occasion to think about humility. here, then, is a buddhist carnival dedicated entirely to humility. this time, i will start with a poem of my own: ha’aha’a: humility. beyond this and that, above servitude, below arrogance, not higher not lower – just that: here i… Continue reading july buddhist carnival: the humble edition
monthly buddhist carnival – the weird and cranky edition
do not act from ego. it is a sticky little mouse trap that begins with a wheel running us in circles. get off. (from full on arrival) today is a weird day for me, completely, it seems, driven by ego. today is june 15, time for a buddhist carnival, like every 15th of the month. … Continue reading monthly buddhist carnival – the weird and cranky edition
may 2010 buddhist carnival
it’s a day late but here it is: my monthly buddhist carnival, serving up interesting little tidbits from the buddhist blogosphere. we always start with a poem. how bitter, how blue is the anger! at the bottom of the light in april’s atmospheric strata, spitting, gnashing, pacing back and forth, i am asura incarnate this… Continue reading may 2010 buddhist carnival
buddhist carnival – april 2010
it’s been two years now, i think, that i’ve been starting the buddhist carnival with a poem. this one i found when i was rooting around the buddhasphere in connection with the post on mice, death and neuroticism. when i first found the poem, i didn’t really want to post it. it starts like this… Continue reading buddhist carnival – april 2010
buddhist carnival, the first in 2010
it’s january 15, and time to serve up this month’s buddhist carnival, a selection of posts from the buddhasphere. here is this month’s poem: a first kensho when things abruptly shift like part of the body misaligned by a sharp move when the house goes, or the he or she, any room at once gets… Continue reading buddhist carnival, the first in 2010
december buddhist carnival – the not so fluffy edition
hello there. been looking forward to this edition of the buddhist carnival for quite a while because the last one was a bit on the stunted side, what with being busy with NaNoWriMo. so this month’s edition has a bit more meat on it; in fact, your teeth will get quite a nice workout. i’m… Continue reading december buddhist carnival – the not so fluffy edition
november 2009 buddhist carnival
middle of the month: it’s buddhist carnival time! being all busy with NaNoWriMo, this is a quickie version – a little taste from the blogosphere, a buddhist smorgasbrod: a zen tale from secret forest the disciple threw stones in the water all day long. the next day, the master told him: “do throw a stone… Continue reading november 2009 buddhist carnival