mothers’ day prayers

tonight, the night before mothers’ day, i want to rest in a place where women live. i have taken my little book of prayers and rewritten some of my favourite prayers just a tad, to reflect the womanly aspect of the divine:

deep peace of the running wave to you,
deep peace of the flowing air to you,
deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
deep peace of the shining stars to you,
deep peace of the queen of peace to you.

(celtic prayer)

we were enclosed,
o eternal mother,
within the garden of your breast.
you drew us out of your holy mind like a flower
petaled with our soul’s three powers,
and into each power
you put the whole plant,
so that they might bear fruit in your garden,
might come back to you
with the fruit you gave them.
and you would come back to the soul,
to fill her with your blessedness.
there the soul dwells –
like the fish in the sea
and the sea in the fish.

(st. catherine of siena)

thou my goddess, and my sister thou
thou my friend, and my teacher thou
thou my wisdom, and my riches thou
thou art all to me, o mother of all mothers.

(ramanuja indian prayer)

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