cancer: families, communication, self-development, fatigue

the last two frozen pea friday entries were a bit more introspective and heavy. today’s post is heavy, too, but only on science. i wanted to see what solutions health psychologists are looking at in terms of frequently occurring problems for cancer patients,e.g. how to talk about cancer, how cancer impacts family life, cancer and… Continue reading cancer: families, communication, self-development, fatigue

creativity, oppression and depression

in his latest post on creating a way out of depression, john offers these words: creative work communicates with others, and that connecting is a critical piece. it’s the opposite of the isolating impact of depression. for me, the human connection through creative work is life-giving. so i’m realizing that i probably started this series… Continue reading creativity, oppression and depression

another frozen pea friday

last week i asked out loud, why is it that i keep writing about cancer? when i don’t understand something, i sometimes write a poem or two. then i let it sit, and some time afterwards, it’s possible that the world makes a little more sense to me. so i wrote these three little poems.… Continue reading another frozen pea friday

frozen pea friday: touched by a tattoo

getting my tattoo was the culmination of a three year dance with breast cancer. the tattoo changed my mastectomy scar into my shield – pam huntley a friend of mine is considering getting a tattoo after her mastectomy. ah, i thought, that’ll be a fun entry! let’s have a few pretty, colourful pictures of tattoos!… Continue reading frozen pea friday: touched by a tattoo

frozen pea friday: “cancer is my kryptonite”

it’s friday and we have a frozen pea friday post to celebrate cancer survivors. today, a guest post by hayley: hi! i’m hayley and i’m an alcoholic. oh wait, wrong posting day. this is the cancer posting day. let’s try that again! hi! i’m hayley townley. i’m thrilled to have been asked to be a… Continue reading frozen pea friday: “cancer is my kryptonite”

mental health, cancer and art

this is my first peopleized interview. peopleized is a site where you can find people to interview, offer yourself for interviews, and post interviews, which are then available for anyone to use. neat concept. [update on september 2009: that site doesn’t seem to alive anymore] it’s friday, so of course this is a frozen pea… Continue reading mental health, cancer and art

frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer

for today’s weekly frozen pea breast cancer post, i was wondering what some of the buddhists on the net say about cancer and came across reverend mugo from jade mountains. this blog is “an expression of gratitude to all those who read, leave comments and provide support by offering dana, friendship, hospitality, guidance, and encouragement.”… Continue reading frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer

frozen pea friday post: health and poverty

in last week’s frozen pea friday post – the weekly post about people dealing with cancer, inspired by susan reynolds and my friends who are dealing with cancer – we alluded to the difficulty of paying for the necessary care needed for people living with cancer. this immediately led me to thinking about the connection… Continue reading frozen pea friday post: health and poverty

frozen pea friday: cancer and art for healing

for this week’s frozen pea friday post – a post for and about cancer survivors, following the frozen pea friday movement – i’d like to point you to an interesting project by ms. frozen pea friday herself, susan reynolds. susan is an artist, a mother, grandmother, prominent second life citizen, social media maven. and she… Continue reading frozen pea friday: cancer and art for healing