god, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. what’s that all about? one day, god is the old god. some unknown but benevolent male entity. the next it’s actually “goddess” – and the one goddess i… Continue reading serenity prayer at 2:28 am
Month: December 2005
virtual reality
this is what medicalnewstoday.com brought me today: Psychologists at the University of Liverpool have found that people still find it difficult to understand how mirrors work. Dr Marco Bertamini, from the University’s School of Psychology, conducted a number of experiments by covering a mirror on a wall and inviting participants to walk along a line… Continue reading virtual reality
a spiritual encounter with the body
i am sitting on the greyhound bus on my way back from vancouver. tomorrow i’m giving a talk about “sacred hedonism”. that phrase popped into my mind a few weeks ago and now i’m sitting here trying to figure out exactly what i meant by that. i know i had in mind to refer to… Continue reading a spiritual encounter with the body
christmas in jail with the boozers
christmas often makes me think of the minimum security jail where i worked for a little while. it was a pretty interesting job. once a week i’d migrate to the quaint old farmhouse in new westminster (part of greater vancouver, and british columbia’s oldest city) where that jail was. for a while they even had… Continue reading christmas in jail with the boozers
extra! extra! how psychotherapy saves you money!
driving through kelowna’s residential streets, i watched a car park and all of a sudden i thought, “psychotherapy may not be super cheap, but it sure has saved me money!” why did i think that? and why while watching a car park? i guess cars make me think of consumerism. and has my consumerism gone… Continue reading extra! extra! how psychotherapy saves you money!
cocky about addictions
good evening … this post comes to you from kelowna, in the wintry okanagan. we were driving past a new casino yesterday. judy said something about how she didn’t care for bingo but that she likes slot machines. fred said, i don’t care, all i’m into is football betting. and i was sitting in the… Continue reading cocky about addictions
psychotherapy, ethics and decisionmaking
so i was talking about buddhism in my last entry … specifically, i was talking about “the buddhist in me”. i think what i mean by that is “that part of me that feels really close to buddhism”. and talking about parts of me … there’s also a part of me that feels a little… Continue reading psychotherapy, ethics and decisionmaking
good night & good luck – buddhism & standing up for things
my daughter and i just went to see good night and good luck, george clooney’s movie about the mccarthy era. apart from the fact that it is a marvelous movie – great camera and great acting – the story made me think about something that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. in… Continue reading good night & good luck – buddhism & standing up for things
change therapy?
hi everyone … why is this blog called change therapy? i can’t give you the exact historical reasons for it – i dimly remember that it was past 1 am when i first started this blog, so who knows what exactly prompted me to come up with that term. however. i’m a big fan of… Continue reading change therapy?
getting serious – keywords & “depression treatment”
well, i’m going to get serious about blogging now. there’s lots of things i want to talk about – and hopefully, you’ll have something to say about it, too!recently, i have been working on my web site. i decided to have it hosted by site-build-it (SBI), a hosting company that offers tremendous support to its… Continue reading getting serious – keywords & “depression treatment”