carnival of eating disorders #1

welcome to the first carnival of eating disorders! if you’re not familiar with blog carnivals, you may think this is an odd name – this link here will tell you more about blog carnivals. this carnival contains articles about bulimia, anorexia, orthorexia, body image and overeating gathered from other blogs. i’d like to tell you… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #1

brains and hypertext: jumping from gratitude to coco chanel

after publishing my last newsletter, i received this amusing email from my friend rudolf penner. After following your links over the “There but for the grace of God go I” quote and finding out that the fellow was burnt at the stake, I ended up at Coco Chanel’s write-up in Wikipedia. I know, you’re wondering… Continue reading brains and hypertext: jumping from gratitude to coco chanel

Categorized as general

happy families, unhappy families

i’m here with my husband’s clan of grandparents, aunts, nieces, sisters, in-laws … i’m really one lucky duck. often i think of the difficult family situations that other people are in and i am just so very, very grateful to be part of families that by and large are loving, accepting, and eager to show… Continue reading happy families, unhappy families

the zen of football

another guest contribution from my good husband, glenn: Besides liking babies, and smoking, I also watch the occasional football game. Okay, maybe more than occasional. Actually, my Sundays between September and December, from 9:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening (when I get called away to dinner) are dedicated primarily to watching NFL… Continue reading the zen of football

journaling for healing: 15 tips

anyone who uses writing for therapeutic purposes should read louise de salvo’s writing as a way of healing. quite a bit of what she writes is based on james w. pennebaker’s research on writing and health (do go to his web site, he has all kinds of neat little tests on it). one of the… Continue reading journaling for healing: 15 tips

one year of blogging!

today it’s exactly a year ago that i first started blogging. it’s been an interesting 108,000 words to write (that’s how many words i estimate have accumulated here so far). one of the most surprising things that happened is that

Categorized as general

counsellors’ creed

susan friday from the vancouver/richmond mental health network society sent me this counsellors’ creed the other day. we don’t know who authored it. there are quite a few useful ideas in there – what do you think? 1. I will give you my undivided attention. However, I cannot be your parent, spouse, or lover, nor… Continue reading counsellors’ creed

Categorized as therapy

professional objectivity

in the post about the 10 paradoxes of creative people, there was an interesting question by osmium/fuzzy logic: does my preference for hanging out with people who are on the same wavelength as i obstruct my professional need for objectivity? how about i answer with the conclusion of a paper i wrote some time ago,… Continue reading professional objectivity