image by eggybird
Month: April 2009
the lyric self
this is another guest post by sarah luczaj, a british therapist and writer, living in poland. she runs an online therapy practice at and has a poetry chapbook, “an urgent request” coming soon from fortunate daughter press, an imprint of tebot bach. sarah is a freequent commenter on this blog, and a propos poetry… Continue reading the lyric self
MentalHealthCamp – the power of social media
here are my opening notes to MentalHealthCamp yesterday; they followed raul’s great introduction to the workings of social media. we decided that he would be the social media guy and i’d be the mental health gal. (how well raul and i worked together deserves a whole post by itself). i managed to present most of… Continue reading MentalHealthCamp – the power of social media
MentalHealthCamp a success!
MentalHealthCamp was amazing! it’s saturday evening now and i’m pleasantly tired after this wonderful day of community and learning. if you’re dying of curiosity regarding what happened, read the tweets here and here. i’ll report more in the next few days!
living authentically
my friend evan has just launched a new project, living authentically. authenticity has long been an important topic for him, and i’m looking forward to seeing how he goes even deeper into it. here’s a bit about the project: the book the living authentically book i wrote with my partner. it is a guide to… Continue reading living authentically
open door on a wordless wednesday
image by maistora
why we write
my little workshop for MentalHealthCamp, “blogging yourself home” about blogging, writing, creativity and mental health had me think hard about the connection between these topics in the last week or so. i was deligthed, then, to come across alison, who blogs (and teaches) about writing about mental health. in this post, she asks why do… Continue reading why we write
mental health camp: speaker list, diagnosis, and the history of stigma
for today, i’ll simply send you over to the MentalHealthCamp site. we have a list of presentations now – really interesting stuff – topics reach from anonymity and pseudonymity to ADD to online therapy to stigma and self stigma – please check it out! the title of my presentation will be “blogging yourself home” –… Continue reading mental health camp: speaker list, diagnosis, and the history of stigma
buddhist carnival: april 2009, poetry month
the 15th, buddhist carnival time. it’s april, poetry month, so i’ll post only poems and poetry-related articles. from last month’s montreal zen poetry festival i longed to visit the eastern cliff countless years until today i finally grabbed a vine and climbed but halfway there met mist and wind the trail was too narrow for… Continue reading buddhist carnival: april 2009, poetry month
recycled poetry on a wordless wednesday
image by pupski