my new-found friend sheldon from the kitzul connection wrote this the other day: given the world we live in with social media dominating our relationshipscapes, why all the love??! i have had this brewing in the back of my mind for a while now. but it really hit home during a recent trip to the… Continue reading body language and cyber language
Month: July 2010
wild chase on wordless wednesday
image by stephen poff
peace and conflict
… a topic that interests me a lot these days. here is part 1 of a 3-(or more?) series i’m writing at brainblogger, inspired by research that seeks to illuminate the mystery of peace and conflict through dynamical systems/chaos theory.
haibun: moon over kelowna
the lavender here in this desert-like town is long and hard and spiny. its smell is harsher here, more pungent. and with the heat and the dry air comes a rising moon that lifts itself pure over the hills. pure, white, into the azure it emerges – and azure, really, that’s the only word for… Continue reading haibun: moon over kelowna
mad pride: salmon insanity at gallery gachet
are you in vancouver and looking for something to do on saturday? how about going to salmon insanity, run by gallery gachet apropos their mad pride events. gallery gachet is a collective of vancouver artists who have been affected by mental illness. i like how they make the connection between mental health and ecological health.… Continue reading mad pride: salmon insanity at gallery gachet
black icon on a wordless wednesday
image by jwinfred
mental health camp recap #2
here’s another report from mental health camp. for some reason, i just can’t bring myself to get all official about it and write it from the point of view of the organizer, so i’ll write it from my personal point of view. so here are a few fragments, which do not do justice to the… Continue reading mental health camp recap #2
going up the country
yeah, i’m goin’ up the country, for my yearly week in the sunny okanagan, canada’s version of california. for some reason, after mental health camp, my batteries are taking forever to recharge. maybe because i never fully recovered from my trip to germany. maybe because i had a mental health blip (was it a mini… Continue reading going up the country
mental health camp recap #1
i was going to write this nice first recap about mental health camp but then – well, life happened. so instead here are the links to some people who have written a little about it. enjoy!
july buddhist carnival: the humble edition
in the last few weeks, i have had many an occasion to think about humility. here, then, is a buddhist carnival dedicated entirely to humility. this time, i will start with a poem of my own: ha’aha’a: humility. beyond this and that, above servitude, below arrogance, not higher not lower – just that: here i… Continue reading july buddhist carnival: the humble edition