
tomorrow is the international day of peace. to that aim, here’s a video of an interview between ram dass and thich nhat hanh – i’ve actually showed it before but i just have to present it again, it’s so important. want some more peace talk? on this blog, there are 128 posts with the word… Continue reading peace

peace, conflict and chaos

here is the link to my final post on brainblogger on using chaos theory to understand conflict and, hopefully, see which way peace lies.  following the lead of a team of multidiscplinary researchers (psychologists, sociologists, etc.), we look at three solutions: interrupting the feedback loop of conflict finding commonalities the butterfly effect – doing small… Continue reading peace, conflict and chaos

organizational leadership, empowerment and sustainable peace

i am still intrigued by the question of the relationship between work, mental health and peace. it is interesting that this relationship is hardly ever explored, not even the relationship between the workplace and peace. however, here and there i find a little nugget. one of them is giving peace a chance: organizational leadership, empowerment,… Continue reading organizational leadership, empowerment and sustainable peace

links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs

in my long-suffering attempts to organize my internet life better, i’m going to see what it’s like if i post the occasional link article.  so here’s a stroll through the links open on august 1, with the first paragraph of each post so that you can get an idea what it’s all about.  you may… Continue reading links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs

family life – a fantasy

she opens the door. “laura hapley?” “yes …. ?” “and wally hapley?” “yes. and you are … ?” he is 6’6″, broad shouldered, dressed in thick leather from boots to gloves. “could i speak to mr. hapley, as well, please?” “he is busy right now. what is this about?” she glances towards a door in… Continue reading family life – a fantasy

be the change: violent criminals

marshall rosenberg, the man known for his work in nonviolent communication, appears in the section off the cushion and into life in be the change: how meditation can transform you and the world). he works a lot in prisons. the people there have done some stuff that i really do not like, like sexually molesting… Continue reading be the change: violent criminals

december buddhist carnival – the not so fluffy edition

hello there. been looking forward to this edition of the buddhist carnival for quite a while because the last one was a bit on the stunted side, what with being busy with NaNoWriMo. so this month’s edition has a bit more meat on it; in fact, your teeth will get quite a nice workout. i’m… Continue reading december buddhist carnival – the not so fluffy edition

be the change: how meditation can transform you and the world

the other day i received the book be the change: how meditation can transform you and the world from the great people at FSB associates, who occasionally send me books to review. usually i spend quite a bit of time reading the book and writing a review but since i’m busy with NaNoWriMo this month,… Continue reading be the change: how meditation can transform you and the world

remembrance day: musing on war and sacrifice

remembrance day has always been an ambiguous day for me. good memories : an hour in the rain under a gazillion umbrellas, proudly listening to my daughter singing a song with the girl guides at a remembrance day celebration; or a lovely morning 17 years ago when my then-boyfriend, now-husband were walking up and down… Continue reading remembrance day: musing on war and sacrifice