peace, conflict and chaos

here is the link to my final post on brainblogger on using chaos theory to understand conflict and, hopefully, see which way peace lies.  following the lead of a team of multidiscplinary researchers (psychologists, sociologists, etc.), we look at three solutions: interrupting the feedback loop of conflict finding commonalities the butterfly effect – doing small… Continue reading peace, conflict and chaos

chaotic thoughts on employment counselling

another live blog from the career management conference! glenn olien works in employment/career counselling in the construction industry warning: aptly, since this is about chaos theory in counselling, these notes will be somewhat chaotic, more than the two live blogs before. kind of like twitter on a blog 🙂 questions to be discussed: why do… Continue reading chaotic thoughts on employment counselling

chaos and creativity

jeremy and i are having a cross-blog conversation about creativity. it all started with an article by jeremy that investigated the difficulty with explaining much of the creative process. my thoughts were that important aspects of creativity happen in “murky” places of the mind because it may just be in this very obscurity that new… Continue reading chaos and creativity