the wisdom to know the difference

the good people at TLC book tours asked me to write a review of eileen flanagan’s book the wisdom to know the difference – when to make a change, and when to let go. let’s start with a tidbit that resonated with me “often when we accept something we shouldn’t, we feel resignation, rather than… Continue reading the wisdom to know the difference

miscellaneous thoughts – addiction, books, and new years resolutions

oh boy, i haven’t posted in ages! let’s have some random stuff here then: stuff #1 – we are on vacation in arizona right now – on our last leg, in a tiny place called congress, which is close to wickenburg with the huge population count of 5,000. supposedly, wickenburg is known for its fancy… Continue reading miscellaneous thoughts – addiction, books, and new years resolutions

looking into gratitude

this morning, i visited chitowngreg’s sunday post about gratitude. it was fabulous to see all the comments there – 48 at the time i was visiting. and then of course my research brain got curious. what a great treasure trove to delve a little into to find out what specific things people are grateful for!… Continue reading looking into gratitude

alcoholism and everyday addictions

the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous are sometimes summarized in these seven words: i can’t god can i better let god these pithy words come from the first three steps: 1. we admitted we were powerless over alcohol, and that our lives had become unmanageable 2. we came to believe that a power greater than… Continue reading alcoholism and everyday addictions


a topic i think about a lot these days is acceptance. here are some words about acceptance, adapted from “for today”, a little book of daily meditations by OA. pain often comes from non-acceptance. if i find that i can neither change nor accept a certain reality, i let it go for now, knowing that… Continue reading acceptance

february buddhist carnival – on mental health (part 2)

this is part 2 of this month’s buddhist carnival. part 1 is here. the wild mind and the wise body i like this article by the wild moods that takes the actual here-and-now feelings and sensations of mental illness and uses them to get in touch with mental health … take a second to think… Continue reading february buddhist carnival – on mental health (part 2)

a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush

a guest post by the 12-step buddhist: how do you feel now that barack is official? i’m still in shock. waiting for a big news release about some kick ass exec orders reversing idiocracy. one of the big questions for me is how to practice buddhism and the principles of 12-step recovery around politics. on… Continue reading a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush

blogathon: 6 questions about change – twelve-step’s step 6

i haven’t done an entry on the twelve steps for a while. the last one was on step five. the idea of discussing the 12 steps here is to look at how they can help anyone, not only people who go to groups like alcoholics anonymous, overeaters anonymous or alanon (for people with alcoholics in… Continue reading blogathon: 6 questions about change – twelve-step’s step 6

more on the 12 steps: step 5

it’s been almost a year that i last discussed a step from the 12-step programs a la AA. thankfully, someone made a comment on another 12-step post, and that spurred me on to another post. while the 12 steps were originally intended to help alcoholics and addicts, they have proven to be a fine blueprint… Continue reading more on the 12 steps: step 5

recovering from addiction: a prayer

a prayer by someone dealing with addiction: dear higher powers: thank you for another day of life. help me to walk closely with you today. work through me so that i may better help others. help me when i am weak. help me to reach out to your unending strength. help me to remain hopeful… Continue reading recovering from addiction: a prayer