looking into gratitude

this morning, i visited chitowngreg’s sunday post about gratitude. it was fabulous to see all the comments there – 48 at the time i was visiting. and then of course my research brain got curious. what a great treasure trove to delve a little into to find out what specific things people are grateful for!… Continue reading looking into gratitude

success in 2009 – part 2

here’s part 2 of my social media friends’ nonmonetary successes in 2009: (the ones with the @ are people’s twitter accounts).   part 1 is here. darren barefoot: i wrote half a book, which, it turns out, is a shocking amount of work. hamish: two of my former clients (and now friends) successfully landed new jobs… Continue reading success in 2009 – part 2

happiness in the new year

happy new year to all! what more should i say? of course i want you all to be happy. but what does that mean? what does happiness mean? so many different things to different people. “contentment with one’s situation,” i read somewhere today, “is the greatest happiness one can have.” definitely, that is one great… Continue reading happiness in the new year

blogathon: 13 ways to crunch the energy crash!

my fellow blogathonner from the strawberry ghetto was getting a little comatose earlier on. i know my energy is probably going to crash at some point later on so i thought i’d tell you what i know works in such situations (and if i’m with it enough, i might report later on how it worked… Continue reading blogathon: 13 ways to crunch the energy crash!

a review-me post: health insurance

as you’ve seen, i’ve started experimenting with monetizing this blog. (it’s all fellow vancouverite john chow’s fault). part of this experimentation is with “review me” paid reviews. so let me disclose up front that i’m getting paid a whopping $10 to write this (it’s my first review; it might take me a month or 40… Continue reading a review-me post: health insurance

mental health, cancer and art

this is my first peopleized interview. peopleized is a site where you can find people to interview, offer yourself for interviews, and post interviews, which are then available for anyone to use. neat concept. [update on september 2009: that site doesn’t seem to alive anymore] it’s friday, so of course this is a frozen pea… Continue reading mental health, cancer and art

frozen pea friday post: health and poverty

in last week’s frozen pea friday post – the weekly post about people dealing with cancer, inspired by susan reynolds and my friends who are dealing with cancer – we alluded to the difficulty of paying for the necessary care needed for people living with cancer. this immediately led me to thinking about the connection… Continue reading frozen pea friday post: health and poverty