this is another post about chain letters (you may remember one a few weeks ago about a petition type chain letter). i’d like to explain what i find disturbing about another type – the prayer chain letter. chain letters are a form of emotional extortion, mixing very positive sentiments with threats or at least manipulation.… Continue reading breaking the chains of chain letters
Month: August 2006
affirmations, anyone?
(this is another, edited, reprint from my old blog) i have an uneasy relationship with affirmations. on the one hand i know they can work (under certain circumstances) on the other, my logical mind mistrusts them and finds them plain silly. maybe one day i’ll be wanting to step in front of a mirror and… Continue reading affirmations, anyone?
televangelists and gluttony
and now for a bizarre little factlet, from our friends at medicalnews: “America is becoming known as a nation of gluttony and obesity, and churches are a feeding
self-help books
my favourite buddhist blogger right now is genkaku. here are a few thoughts he has on the phenomenon of self help, and my comment on it. basically, the question i pose is, who is
king ludwig II
today is the 161st birthday of king ludwig II, the crazy and wonderful king of bavaria. born in munich (my hometown), he was the “fairy tale king”, the man who funded the building of castles like neuschwanstein – the prototypical palaces many north americans think of when they hear the word “castle”. king ludwig was… Continue reading king ludwig II
the pleasure of holding a baby
this is a first here: we have a guest contributor – my husband, glenn mori: Recently we had the opportunity to spend some time with my sister’s four month old twin boys. Not everyone likes babies. Some people who like children don’t care so much for babies. They like older children, ones that they feel… Continue reading the pleasure of holding a baby
inspired by alcoholics
today i cruised the blogs of some alcoholics in recovery. i picked out some tasty morsels for you. these are real stories from real people who have gone through the black pain of alcoholism and are now accepting the sweet pain of recovery, of moving forward, one step at a time, day by day. they… Continue reading inspired by alcoholics
queer books
as you all know, i love to read. today i looked around on the web to see what’s on offer by queer psychologists because what i’ve found at the vancouver public library so far hasn’t quite done it for me (i can’t even remember the names of the books). here are some i’d like to… Continue reading queer books
the last shall be the first
so … the weekend to end breast cancer is over. it was quite an experience! no, i didn’t walk the whole 60k – i managed 25. being good to my body was more important to me than pushing myself. i still felt a little stiff today, though – although not nearly as stiff as i… Continue reading the last shall be the first
weekend to end breast cancer – walking together for life
well, it’s happening – we’re going to the weekend to end breast cancer walk tomorrow! i’ve never done the walk myself, only visited and gone to the closing ceremonies. the feeling alone of being to those events gives me shivers down the spine just thinking about it. the walk is about a collective of people… Continue reading weekend to end breast cancer – walking together for life