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Month: February 2008
carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 1
it’s that time of the month again. yes, people, it’s time for the carnival of eating disorders. this blog carnival showcases blogs that discuss anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and other issues that people have with food and body image. mostly, i point you to blogs here written by people who have personal and/or professional… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 1
some thoughts on the robert latimer affair
today, the appeal division of the national parole board overturned a board panel’s decision to deny robert latimer day parole. latimer, who has served seven years of a life sentence for killing his severely disabled daughter, will soon be released to a half-way house. here are a few blog reactions to this. what are your… Continue reading some thoughts on the robert latimer affair
bullying stops here!
today is international stand up to bullying day. students and lots of other people all across canada and the world wear pink to mark the day. last year, two students in nova scotia (canada’s east coast) donned and distributed pink shirts after a classmate fell victim to homophobic bullying for wearing pink to school. this… Continue reading bullying stops here!
more northern voice: ADD among techies
one of the presenters at northern voice was vancouver ADD coach pete quily. he spoke on attention deficit disorder – ADD – for techies. let me share some of the information. “the internet,” he said, “is the crack cocaine of people with ADD.” one of the things that happens for people with ADD is that… Continue reading more northern voice: ADD among techies
dave olson: blogging and creativity
northern voice was a wonderful experience. as nancy white said northern voice is a living community indicator and lives in the culture of love. where else can you find the intersection of geekdom and love? i’ll be blogging about nancy’s and other people’s sessions in the days to come. today i want to tell you… Continue reading dave olson: blogging and creativity
a meme for my tired brain
i’m here at the northern voice 2008 blogging conference. an amazing amount of inspiration! so i need an intellectual break and who comes along … c.b. whittemore! she tagged me to participate in an interesting “getting to know you” meme. it’s based on a list of attributes that supposedly go with the month you’re born… Continue reading a meme for my tired brain
meditation in an indian prison
yesterday at the meditation meetup, we watched a film, doing time, doing vipassana – a moving documentary of how meditation can change life in prison. this is the story of an ancient meditation technique named vipassana, which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good. it is… Continue reading meditation in an indian prison
creativity: the murky mind
this is the first in a series of blog conversations about creativity with jeremy of PsyBlog, one of the leading psychology blogs. in a post in january, jeremy wrote how do great artists create? how do brilliant scientists solve the hardest problems in their field? listen to them try to explain and you’ll probably be… Continue reading creativity: the murky mind