it’s that time of the month again. yes, people, it’s time for the carnival of eating disorders.
this blog carnival showcases blogs that discuss anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and other issues that people have with food and body image. mostly, i point you to blogs here written by people who have personal and/or professional experience with it. i want this to be the real thing. for real people. because – well, to a large degree that’s what recovering from eating disorders is all about: to step out from behind the mask of binging, purging, starving, over exercising and self hate and move into the light of real life.
this time i’ll separate the carnival into two posts. the first part will deal with eating disorders in general, anorexia, bulimia and body image, the second one with obesity.
so here we go! thanks to all you authors of these great posts, for sharing your experience, inspiration and knowledge with us!
eating disorders – general
a while ago, “the sopranos” actress jamie-lynn sigler, 26, was honoured by the national eating disorder association for both “her fundraising and consciousness raising work for research into eating disorders.”
she has drawn a lot of attention in the media to have eating disorders seen as real medical and mental illnesses and not just a “superficial disease.”
sigler suffered from anorexia and exercise bulimia while working on “the sopranos.” in 2002, usa today wrote:
sigler cut her calories to less than 500 a day and dropped a quarter of her weight ” sliding from 120 pounds to 90. “i had an eating disorder,” says sigler, who has detailed her potentially deadly experiences with anorexia nervosa (an) and her simultaneous rise to fame in the new book wise girl. “i hated the way i looked when i saw myself in the mirror, but i just couldn’t stop what i was doing.”
“going out with my girlfriends to go to the mall was out,” says sigler. “they might decide to go to the food court and order pizza.” excessive exercise is a common strategy in both anorexia and bulimia. “i’d begin the day with an hour or so on the treadmill,” recalls sigler, “and then i’d put on an exercise video. i’d even figure out how to make doing laundry or talking on the phone use more calories.”
read more abut it here.
kristie mcnealy discusses eating in families:
a study published in the january issue of the journal archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine showed that teen girls who reported eating at least 5 meals with their family each week were less likely to develop forms of seriously disordered eating.
an announcement about my own blog: after the comments on my post about 10 activities that help with recovering from anorexia became a little long, i decided to start a “talk area” here on this blog. if you are dealing with anorexia and would like some support from others in the same boat, please post here in anorexia talk.
oh so slight explains what bulimia is like – from the point of view of a person who is suffering from it. if you don’t have bulimia or know little about eating disorders, this is a very useful post to read.
part time bulimic talks about a light bulb moment: i use my dinner to decompress!
okay, so last night i had a good evening at work, but a few (normal) stresses as well. i was doing okay with my eating this week ” some issues, some of them scary, but overall well. i had no reason to believe last night would be anything but a success in terms of my sticking to the meal plan.
so i got home, cooked my dinner, which was delicious. healthy, warm, nourishing. i emerged very happy and content.
but then…. i kept going.
body image
this is a video clip of the film shredded submitted by daniel lafleche. it provides an unusual glimpse into the problem of body image for teenage males, and warns about steroid use. unfortunately, my sound is not working right now but just looking at the images, it appears to be very interesting.
that’s it for part 1. part 2, about obesity, will show up in the next few days. in the meantime, if you have or know of an interesting article on eating disorders, please submit it here. the next edition will be out on march 31, 2008.
(image by XŤЯΣΛМ i)