carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition

here is the november edition of the carnival of eating disorders! anorexia and “becoming unspecial” lola snow has a thoughtful post on the notion of being special, something very important for a lot of people who are in the throes of anorexia. some would say that being anorexic is about being special, about showing the… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition

thanksgiving, peace, metta

“may there be peace” – what a strange and faraway thing to say about mumbai in the middle of this destructive chaos. and yet. may there be peace. may there be peace in iraq. peace like i have among my friends, peace i am grateful for. may there be peace in the congo. peace like… Continue reading thanksgiving, peace, metta

a hyphenated reality: being canadian ismaili

today, a guest post by mehnaz from strawberry ghetto, to commemorate today’s visit to vancouver by his highness, the aga khan.   before vancouver hosts the world in 2010 for the winter olympics, this week canada is host to the international ismaili muslim community for the much anticipated visit of his highness the aga khan… Continue reading a hyphenated reality: being canadian ismaili

social media etiquette

for your entertainment and edification, i’m over at alphablogs today, where i’ve compiled an interesting conversation we had today on twitter about social media etiquette, early adopters and morality. complete with my very first very own lolcat: moar funny pictures

Categorized as the net

wordy ramblings on world philosophy day

once again i’m incapacitated by an awful cold. however, today is world philosophy day, so i just have to throw my thoughts into the mix. because, you know, the world, and especially the world of philosophy, would be so very much impoverished without my snot-nosed words of wisdom. so here’s a few chatty bits, laced,… Continue reading wordy ramblings on world philosophy day

november buddhist carnival, part 2

here’s part 2 of this month’s buddhist carnival. thoughts … thank you! gigablonde offers making peace with meditation, something i can relate to very well. she opens up space for a whole new relationship with meditation through principles of jack kornfield’s buddhist meditation for beginners. meet whatever arises with kindness and balance and wisdom …… Continue reading november buddhist carnival, part 2

1 year of buddhist carnival!

welcome, welcome, welcome! this is the 12th edition of the buddhist carnival – one year of a monthly celebration of bloggers who write about buddhism. as usual, i’ll post it in two parts. it occurred to me a while ago that there is something decidedly un-buddhist or at least un-zen in a buddhist post that’s… Continue reading 1 year of buddhist carnival!

masha malkin: celebrating our resources

if there is something you want in life and still do not have it, never blame yourself for it. because if you can dream it, you can have it!if you haven’t reached your goals yet, it is not because you are not smart enough or capable enough – in fact you have everything you need… Continue reading masha malkin: celebrating our resources