if there is something you want in life and still do not have it, never blame yourself for it. because if you can dream it, you can have it!if you haven’t reached your goals yet, it is not because you are not smart enough or capable enough – in fact you have everything you need to achieve your goals… you are just missing the right tools: information, skills, and mindset, to do it. and that is all learnable!so never stop dreaming and never give up going after your dreams. enjoy every moment of your journey, because it is your journey and not necessarily the end result, that makes life exciting, worthwhile and fulfilling!
once again i’m part of a blog book tour. blog book tours are always exciting for me; they combine three things that have fascinated me forever: books, IT, and community. come to think of it, that’s probably also why i’m so tickled to be part of NaNoWriMo, the online community of people who are crazy enough to try and write 50,000 words towards a novel in the month of november.
the tour i’m part of this time around is for masha malka’s the one minute coach. that’s a quote from masha up there at the beginning of the post. masha specializes in coaching busy people – and she knows what she’s talking about, as a mother of three children and businessperson.
how might masha’s approach help all of us who are busily working on our novels?
i like this part:
you have everything you need to achieve your goals.
this is a philosophy that i subscribe to, as well.
in practical terms, what does that mean for, say, a 21-year-old 3rd year university student taking a full load of courses and with a little part-time job on the side? let’s call him – what should we call him? raj? okay, let’s see what resources raj has.
- the energy of youthfulness
- the writing skills accumulated at university
- a track record of success with deadlines
- research skills (if he’s like me and can’t leave that to after NaNoWriMo)
- a big library close by (useful for all kinds of things: research; being surrounded by books; quiet areas)
- surrounded by others with similar or at least somewhat similar pursuits
- really wanting to do it
- the support of the NaNoWriMo community (a HUGE resource that includes, among other things, weekly pep talks from )
- the admiration of his friends and family
- physical and mental health (well, as much mental health as any 3rd year student has)
quite an impressive list, huh?
anything else you can think of? let’s put our heads together and help out raj with his crazy project, see what else he has going for him.