creativity blocks, metaphysics and individuality

in our last conversation about creativity, jeremy from PsyBlogs talks about the difference between “chaotic” and “ordered” creatives and then moves on to discuss creative blocks. recently, i came across a doctoral thesis in divinity that talks about the connection between chaos, creativity and spirituality. kurt sander from northern kentucky university points out the important… Continue reading creativity blocks, metaphysics and individuality

recovering from addiction: a prayer

a prayer by someone dealing with addiction: dear higher powers: thank you for another day of life. help me to walk closely with you today. work through me so that i may better help others. help me when i am weak. help me to reach out to your unending strength. help me to remain hopeful… Continue reading recovering from addiction: a prayer

social media mega project wrapup: twitter

two months ago, vivien at inspirationbit started the social media mega project. we are trying to create a place where all the social media wisdom is gathered together. my job was to gather blog posts on twitter. there are two social media tools that i feel quite passionate about. stumbleupon is one of them; the… Continue reading social media mega project wrapup: twitter

easter, eostre, ostara

wikipedia on the origins of easter: the modern english term easter developed from the old english word eastre, which itself developed prior to 899. the name refers to the goddess eostre, who was celebrated at the spring equinox, and has cognates in old high german ōstarÅ«n, plural, “easter” (modern german language ostern). the old english… Continue reading easter, eostre, ostara

easter: wrestling with the church

yesterday i went to a christian church service for the first time in 1 ½ years. the last visit had been to a crammed, tiny african-canadian church, a memorial service for one of vancouver’s downtown eastside heroes, a little old matriarch who had taken the whole neighbourhood under her wings. yesterday was a four-church service… Continue reading easter: wrestling with the church

stress and obesity

i just came across this interesting study conducted by the georgetwon medical center. they injected a neurotransmitter (neuropeptide Y, or NPY) into targeted areas of laboratory animals, thereby reducing the fat that had accumulated there. the investigators speculate that their findings may lead to better control of metabolic syndrome. the fascinating part of this is… Continue reading stress and obesity