here is another interview with someone recovering from an eating disorder. this person used to eat too much, and has been and still is dealing with it by going to overeaters anonymous. isabella: “you’ve come a long way, baby” – how long HAVE you come? what’s changed? OA person: how long have i come? i… Continue reading self esteem: the thread in the quilt of recovery
Tag: obesity
a mystery about weight and shame: two weeks under
here’s another book i read recently – two weeks under, by rivka tadjer. doing these book reviews reminds me a bit of my aunt. she loved buying clothes but she’d often get sick of them real quick, and then she’d ask me if i wanted them. she was 40 years older than i so –… Continue reading a mystery about weight and shame: two weeks under
disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship
reviews seem to be the theme these days. here’s a video i was sent – disfigured. i wonder who shouldn’t watch it. one-track-mind rambo fans, perhaps. people who can’t stand delving into other people’s psyches. those who don’t like sex scenes on screen, no matter how elegantly presented. and if you don’t like watching people… Continue reading disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship
blogathon: weight loss dude’s 5 diets
5 diets that worked for the weight loss dude. they include running and eating well (which he recommends) and a methamphetamine addiction (which he doesn’t recommend)
carrnival of eating disorders #17
welcome to the 17th carnival of eating disorders, where we look at blog posts that deal with anorexia, bulimia, exercise bulimia, overeating, orthorexia, EDNOS, body image and other related topics. i have to confess that after all this time, the name “carnival” of eating disorders still rings funny in my ears. suggests these alternative… Continue reading carrnival of eating disorders #17
carnival of eating disorders #16
hello people! this is the new edition of the carnival of eating disorders. unfortunately, i’ve been having problems with the blog carnival site (the site that administers all the carnivals) so i have had only a few submissions this month, two of which i’ll be including. to substitute for the slim pickins, i’ll feature this… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #16
stress and obesity
i just came across this interesting study conducted by the georgetwon medical center. they injected a neurotransmitter (neuropeptide Y, or NPY) into targeted areas of laboratory animals, thereby reducing the fat that had accumulated there. the investigators speculate that their findings may lead to better control of metabolic syndrome. the fascinating part of this is… Continue reading stress and obesity
weight loss and the law of attraction: a dialogue
yesterday, we had a guest post by david about using the law of attraction to lose weight. since david’s and my views are a bit different, i promised you a dialogue about it. so here we go. i will start with some of the ideas with which i agree: i completely agree that our expectations… Continue reading weight loss and the law of attraction: a dialogue
losing weight using the law of attraction
today we have a guest post by david hooper. it is an excerpt from his book ask, believe, receive and fits right in with the theme of men with weight issues we were talking about last week. david’s and my views on this overlap in some areas, and they don’t in others. tomorrow i will… Continue reading losing weight using the law of attraction
4 questions to help men who binge
yesterday, i was talking about the issues faced by men who are dealing with binge eating disorder. this was a follow-up on the promise i had made to talk about men and obesity quite a while ago. before i continue on this topic, let me make it clear that obesity is not always a result… Continue reading 4 questions to help men who binge