the following is an excerpt from carolyn myss’ fascinating “gallery of archetypes”. most of us can recognize ourselves in one or more of these archetypes, or typical ways of being in the world. in her descriptions, carolyn myss tells us about the positive as well as the shadow (some would call them negative) aspects of… Continue reading the archetypes: addict, magical child, hedonist
Tag: movies
disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship
reviews seem to be the theme these days. here’s a video i was sent – disfigured. i wonder who shouldn’t watch it. one-track-mind rambo fans, perhaps. people who can’t stand delving into other people’s psyches. those who don’t like sex scenes on screen, no matter how elegantly presented. and if you don’t like watching people… Continue reading disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship
overeating and anorexia: a dialogue
“yes, it is possible to lose too much weight,” said joshua seth in one of his submissions to the carnival of eating disorders, talking about courtney love’s unfortunate adventures with all kinds of eating disorders. my first reaction to this was, “well, yes, duh!” but then it got me to thinking. while we read and… Continue reading overeating and anorexia: a dialogue
frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer
for today’s weekly frozen pea breast cancer post, i was wondering what some of the buddhists on the net say about cancer and came across reverend mugo from jade mountains. this blog is “an expression of gratitude to all those who read, leave comments and provide support by offering dana, friendship, hospitality, guidance, and encouragement.”… Continue reading frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer
vancouver events at this year’s mental health week
this week is national mental health week in canada. like last year, i’ll dedicate all my posts this week to mental health. (in a way, all my posts are about mental health but this week we’ll just be a bit more explicit, ok?) today a roundup of mental health events happening in and around vancouver… Continue reading vancouver events at this year’s mental health week
a buddhist carnival – april 2008
welcome to the buddhist carnival, a selection of buddhist posts all over the blogosphere. this month is poetry month. let’s start with a zen poem, then, by p’ang yun, who lived from approximately 740 to 808 C.E. when the mind is at peace, the world too is at peace. nothing real, nothing absent. not holding… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – april 2008
creativity blocks, metaphysics and individuality
in our last conversation about creativity, jeremy from PsyBlogs talks about the difference between “chaotic” and “ordered” creatives and then moves on to discuss creative blocks. recently, i came across a doctoral thesis in divinity that talks about the connection between chaos, creativity and spirituality. kurt sander from northern kentucky university points out the important… Continue reading creativity blocks, metaphysics and individuality
meditation in an indian prison
yesterday at the meditation meetup, we watched a film, doing time, doing vipassana – a moving documentary of how meditation can change life in prison. this is the story of an ancient meditation technique named vipassana, which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good. it is… Continue reading meditation in an indian prison