welcome to this month’s edition of carnival of eating disorders! let’s jump right into it: at k-l masina, kara-leah wrote a post, mission: physical manifestation overhaul – intro where she and jeff lilly embark on a collaborative blog series to investigate the underlying energetic causes of jeff’s physical manifestation (i.e. body). their mission is to… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #6
Month: May 2007
eric maisel’s book tour: focus for artists
today i am one of the stops on eric maisel’s blog tour about his book ten zen seconds, the next step in mindfulness practice. on this book tour, author and creativity coach eric maisal has discussed a wide variety of topics relating to creative work, from writing to fashion design to song writing as well… Continue reading eric maisel’s book tour: focus for artists
giving up, effort, and trust
“i still often find myself at a loss for inspiration. i never give up though. on those days that i am discouraged and unmotivated, i try and get away from the daily routine. i put aside the lessons i had planned (as much as is possible to stay within my responsibilities) and i focus on… Continue reading giving up, effort, and trust
gardening a good life: 8 shovelfuls of ideas
thanks, reikiblogger, for including my post relax in saturday’s carnival of healing. among the other carnival participants, i really resonated with debra moorhead’s what gardening has taught me about life. she finds “gardening to be as good as meditation, but more delicious!” yes! whenever i’m at my wit’s end, i can always go into the… Continue reading gardening a good life: 8 shovelfuls of ideas
dismantling an eating disorder: a therapist’s view
a little while i promised i would go into a bit more detail about some of the submissions to last month’s carnival of eating disorders. here is an article by msempower, entitled how to dismantle an eating disorder. i’ve lived much of my life in search of a cure for my eating disorder. i’ve ventured… Continue reading dismantling an eating disorder: a therapist’s view
a to do list
always looking for new ways to think about goals and to do lists. what do you think of this one? it came to me thanks to carol, one of our vancouver bloggers meetup members.
the roots of inspiration
vivien, who i know through my favourite women’s networking group, SWAN, is hosting a group writing project around the theme of inspiration. after having participated in aaron potts’ fabulous group writing project on the theme of success, i am all fired up to talk about this one, too! (and it’s interesting that this was also… Continue reading the roots of inspiration
jack walks down the street
jack walks down the street, whistling to himself. he turns left. there is a sign somewhere. he walks further down that street. he makes another turn, to the right. there is another sign, “dead end street”. whistle, whistle, whistle. he keeps on walking. another sign that proclaims, “this is a dead end street!” whistle, whistle,… Continue reading jack walks down the street
success, success, success: steve pavlina, move over!
a little while ago, i participated in a blog meme initiated by aaron potts, to which i had been invited by cardin at optimistlab. i posted my contribution (success in a basket) and thought that was that. what a great surprise to see that aaron has taken the infinite trouble of tracking down everyone who… Continue reading success, success, success: steve pavlina, move over!
carnival of healing – may 19, 2007
welcome to this week’s carnival of healing! thank you, phylameana, for doing such a marvellous job at making this carnival happen every week. i’ve had some really good things come my way through it, so the healing works! 🙂 okay, let’s see what’s on the menu today: i love this picture posted by hueina su… Continue reading carnival of healing – may 19, 2007