does this happen to you, too? once in a while you look at an obvious fact for the 1,285th time and all of a sudden, its profound truth hits you like a ton of bricks. for the last few days, this profound truth was – well, let me say it this way: humans are 60-70%… Continue reading emotional!
Month: August 2009
bye bye B-line
for a while now, i have been working part-time for the mennonite central committee in richmond. i’d get on the 49 bus to granville street, and then take the 98 B-line down granville. granville is one of the older streets of vancouver, and that stretch down to the fraser river is lined by old trees,… Continue reading bye bye B-line
cat couple on a wordless wednesday
image by italianjob17
alcohol, art, sobriety and escape
the following was a comment on my blog post alcohol and art. i really enjoyed the insights, and with the commenter’s (lew’s) permission, i am sharing the gift of his reflections here. it’s hard to know what’s real anymore. on the one hand i know that alcohol hinders me, certainly in my social life, but… Continue reading alcohol, art, sobriety and escape
sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan
here is a beautiful prayer, sent by my mennonite friends who work in afghanistan. even though the elections are over, it still very much applies. for the people of afghanistan god of love and life, we pray for the people of afghanistan during this election time. may your peace descend upon them and upon their… Continue reading sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan
blog post #1000: possible dreams
this is my entry for joanna young’s newest mission impossible group writing project where she challenged writers to push their blogging boundaries. i had asked you, my dear readers, to suggest what i should do. all kinds of interesting ideas came up and i’ll definitely try to incorporate as many as possible in my blog… Continue reading blog post #1000: possible dreams
why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
i just want to send some kudos to hank for his fabulous blog post want to know what i think? in that post, hank waxes intelligently and humourously and historically about what makes us blog, or generally express ourselves, like martin luther, famous for publicly posting his disagreements with catholic dogma (except for the parts… Continue reading why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
chandigarh on a wordless wednesday
image by nagesh kamath
of schizophrenic mice and men
here is some exciting new research on schizophrenia, which i found through changeseeker. the full text is at psycport; i’ve added a few links and comments. new research from the northwestern university feinberg school of medicine has revealed how schizophrenia works in the brain and provided a fresh opportunity for treatment. in a new, genetically… Continue reading of schizophrenic mice and men
august 2009 buddhist carnival
here’s the buddhist carnival again! last month my blog was still sick and the carnival didn’t happen. glad to be back for august. the buddhist carnival is a romp / surf / drive / ride through the buddhist blogosphere (blugghasphere?) and today’s menu brings you posts on music, fashion, family, war, wishy-washy buddhism, persisting through the agony… Continue reading august 2009 buddhist carnival