sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan

here is a beautiful prayer, sent by my mennonite friends who work in afghanistan. even though the elections are over, it still very much applies. for the people of afghanistan god of love and life, we pray for the people of afghanistan during this election time. may your peace descend upon them and upon their… Continue reading sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan


it’s sunday inspiration time, a meme created by my friend sojourner. today i am inspired by reading and writing haiku my 2-year-old grandson and his single-minded focus on choo-choo trains my professional immigrant clients from china who are giving up impressive professional success in their country to start from scratch in a totally new culture… Continue reading inspired!

happy birthday bob marley!

today is bob marley’s birthday. listen to him and chances are you won’t need therapy. listen to his sweetness and be comforted; to his rebel music and be roused; to his odes to jah and be lifted to a place that belongs to everyone. for valentine’s day that’s coming up soon, one of his love… Continue reading happy birthday bob marley!

freedom, redemption and inspiration

one of the people to whom i passed on my “brilliant blog” award, sojourner, has a meme, sunday inspirations. similar to wordless wednesday, it’s a day of the week dedicated to a theme. it was created in honor of sojourner’s mother and is just one way to help get us through the week ahead, the… Continue reading freedom, redemption and inspiration

international women’s day: misbehaving women

it’s international women’s day week and this is my blog from the misbehaving women event, a fundraiser for the avalon women’s centre, organized by zoey ryan. 5:50 i’m sitting here at the heritage hall with glenda watson-hyatt and her husband darrell. unfortunately, they cannot partake of the wonderful spread here because they’ve been assaulted by… Continue reading international women’s day: misbehaving women