ye old ego

  how much joy, power & money have you abandoned to avoid a little dent in your ego? what an interesting question, posted by harvey griffin on twitter the other day. (it seems like sometimes i get all my inspiration from twitter, doesn’t it?) oh, let me count the ways! let me, also, sidestep for… Continue reading ye old ego

will and willpower

while my blog was in hiatus, i was not entirely silent. conversations happened on twitter, for example this one regarding the concepts of “will” and “will power”, mostly with gassho. i was going to comment on some of these, also give you the tweets of what other people were saying. but perhaps it would be… Continue reading will and willpower

i’m baaack!

after over a month of problems with my database, it looks like we’re 90% done with fixing it. there’s still a bunch of redirecting and domain transferring going on but i THINK the blog can be used now again – just in time for the blogathon! can you send me some comments to let me… Continue reading i’m baaack!

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