okay, so here’s my purple story. many years ago, i bought myself a nice, comfy, fleecy track suit. i came home with it and proudly paraded it in front of my husband. he gave me one look and didn’t talk to me for two days. at the end of the two days, i finally found… Continue reading purple wednesday, with a story
Category: queer talk, gender issues and sexual identity
links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs
in my long-suffering attempts to organize my internet life better, i’m going to see what it’s like if i post the occasional link article. so here’s a stroll through the links open on august 1, with the first paragraph of each post so that you can get an idea what it’s all about. you may… Continue reading links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs
love on a wordless wednesday
image by bobster
diversity and inclusion
here’s a little more from raul’s blog. the topic raul broached was diversity. by the way, those of you who are not engaged in social media, please don’t run away. because guess what – what’s happening in social media is very similar to what’s happening IRL – i mean, in real life 🙂 raul quotes… Continue reading diversity and inclusion
rainbow couple on a wordless wednesday
image by lili vieira de carvalho
homophobia, the 4 noble truths, and the 8-fold path
today, on the international day against homophobia and transpobia, i’d like to gather a few thoughts on homophobia in view of the four noble truths, the core ideas of buddhism. there is suffering – giving birth, aging, illness, etc. in the pali text, there are two things that specifically apply here, i believe: “union with… Continue reading homophobia, the 4 noble truths, and the 8-fold path
best of carnival of eating disorders
welcome to the 24th edition of the carnival of eating disorders! blog carnival has been really problematic for the last few months. so instead of struggling with the blog carnival site, i just went back and looked at some posts from the past that i really enjoyed. here they are: a poem for the buddhist… Continue reading best of carnival of eating disorders
2 years of carnival of eating disorders!
welcome to two years of the carnival of eating disorders! yes, it’s been two years as of today. here’s how it all started: if you’re not familiar with blog carnivals, you may think this is an odd name – this link here will tell you more about blog carnivals. this carnival contains articles about bulimia,… Continue reading 2 years of carnival of eating disorders!
anorexia in men
male anorexia is a topic that is not talked or written about very much. anorexia in men is reminiscent of males with a history of sexual abuse, another topic that is underdiscussed, underreported and undertreated. perhaps one thing that they both have in common is a perception of weakness (a very real problem in anorexia,… Continue reading anorexia in men
bullying stops here!
today is international stand up to bullying day. students and lots of other people all across canada and the world wear pink to mark the day. last year, two students in nova scotia (canada’s east coast) donned and distributed pink shirts after a classmate fell victim to homophobic bullying for wearing pink to school. this… Continue reading bullying stops here!