this is the second interview for this blog’s very own eating disorder’s week month spring. the first one was a three-part series on eating disorders and relationships. here is an interview with a vancouver woman who has struggled with recurring eating disorders, including anorexia, orthorexia and bulimia, and is currently maintaining a healthy weight with… Continue reading eating disorders: learning to let go
Tag: orthorexia
best of carnival of eating disorders
welcome to the 24th edition of the carnival of eating disorders! blog carnival has been really problematic for the last few months. so instead of struggling with the blog carnival site, i just went back and looked at some posts from the past that i really enjoyed. here they are: a poem for the buddhist… Continue reading best of carnival of eating disorders
carnival of eating disorders #15
ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: the 15th carnival of eating disorders! anorexia an x-ray technician talks about three generations of women with eating disorders. she describes anorexia as an addiction: unlike other addictions, anorexia is something you don’t do. to be an alcoholic you have to find alcohol to drink. drug addicts have… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #15