by now you must have cottoned on to the fact that i really like therese borchard’s beyond blue: surviving depression and anxiety and making the most of bad genes. one of the things she talks about in that book is her run-ins with eating disorders. in the chapter BMI (body mass issues) – depression in… Continue reading eating disorders, depression and perfectionism
Tag: bulimia
beating ANA – one relationship at a time
“relationships replace eating disorders. period. the end.” this is the central message of beating ANA – how to outsmart year eating disorder and take your life back by shannon cutts. it’s a book i’d recommend to anyone who wants to work their way out of an eating disorder. the more loving, supportive, therapeutic relationships that… Continue reading beating ANA – one relationship at a time
eating disorders: learning to let go
this is the second interview for this blog’s very own eating disorder’s week month spring. the first one was a three-part series on eating disorders and relationships. here is an interview with a vancouver woman who has struggled with recurring eating disorders, including anorexia, orthorexia and bulimia, and is currently maintaining a healthy weight with… Continue reading eating disorders: learning to let go
eating disorders and relationships
remember last week i asked people to be interviewed about eating disorders? well, some people volunteered. today i am happy to introduce you to joanna poppink, MFT, a long time private practice psychotherapist in los angeles specializing in eating disorder recovery. her blog is at stop eating disorders. joanna will talk about how eating disorders… Continue reading eating disorders and relationships
2 years of carnival of eating disorders!
welcome to two years of the carnival of eating disorders! yes, it’s been two years as of today. here’s how it all started: if you’re not familiar with blog carnivals, you may think this is an odd name – this link here will tell you more about blog carnivals. this carnival contains articles about bulimia,… Continue reading 2 years of carnival of eating disorders!
carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition
here is the november edition of the carnival of eating disorders! anorexia and “becoming unspecial” lola snow has a thoughtful post on the notion of being special, something very important for a lot of people who are in the throes of anorexia. some would say that being anorexic is about being special, about showing the… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition
carrnival of eating disorders #17
welcome to the 17th carnival of eating disorders, where we look at blog posts that deal with anorexia, bulimia, exercise bulimia, overeating, orthorexia, EDNOS, body image and other related topics. i have to confess that after all this time, the name “carnival” of eating disorders still rings funny in my ears. suggests these alternative… Continue reading carrnival of eating disorders #17
carnival of eating disorders #16
hello people! this is the new edition of the carnival of eating disorders. unfortunately, i’ve been having problems with the blog carnival site (the site that administers all the carnivals) so i have had only a few submissions this month, two of which i’ll be including. to substitute for the slim pickins, i’ll feature this… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #16
carnival of eating disorders #15
ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: the 15th carnival of eating disorders! anorexia an x-ray technician talks about three generations of women with eating disorders. she describes anorexia as an addiction: unlike other addictions, anorexia is something you don’t do. to be an alcoholic you have to find alcohol to drink. drug addicts have… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #15
carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 1
it’s that time of the month again. yes, people, it’s time for the carnival of eating disorders. this blog carnival showcases blogs that discuss anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and other issues that people have with food and body image. mostly, i point you to blogs here written by people who have personal and/or professional… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 1