welcome to the 24th edition of the carnival of eating disorders! blog carnival has been really problematic for the last few months. so instead of struggling with the blog carnival site, i just went back and looked at some posts from the past that i really enjoyed. here they are: a poem for the buddhist… Continue reading best of carnival of eating disorders
Month: January 2009
my hawaiian twitter diary
for friends and family who want to get a bit of a sense of what hawaii was like, i’m reprinting here all my hawaii-related tweets. and – uh, you’ll have to read them bottom to top 🙂 back in vancouver. lots of jet lag. another bout of high level flight anxiety. lots of learning, e.g.… Continue reading my hawaiian twitter diary
wordless wednesday: year of the ox
image by ardash
haiku in haiku
yesterday, we had a ladies day out. in celebration of visiting the little town of haiku on maui, we all wrote some haiku: the clouds are parting what a glorious sun-sight welcome home ladies january women lapping up the maui wind clouds rush to the sea their shouts of defiance echo through ‘iao valley damning… Continue reading haiku in haiku
a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush
a guest post by the 12-step buddhist: how do you feel now that barack is official? i’m still in shock. waiting for a big news release about some kick ass exec orders reversing idiocracy. one of the big questions for me is how to practice buddhism and the principles of 12-step recovery around politics. on… Continue reading a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush
well, people, you won’t see much of me for the next little while. i’m off to hawaii, to see things like in this picture here. if i feel like it, i’ll post something during my vacation – we’ll see. i will give updates on twitter, though. also, some people have offered guest posts, so maybe… Continue reading hawaii!
a buddhist carnival – first 2009 edition!
welcome to the buddhist blog carnival! sometimes, rather than a carnival, i would like to call it a caravan. i’ve always liked camels, what can i say … poem: man is not our enemy we always start off with a poem. here is one by thich nhat hanh, presented by change the dream promise me,… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – first 2009 edition!
zen doodle on a wordless wednesday
this little doodle is by my blogger friend crpitt
a writing retreat
i’m terribly, terribly behind in expressing my gratitude to some of the wonderful acknowledgments i have received in the last year. let me start making a little dent by telling you about joanna young’s ideal writing weekend competition. the guidelines were tell us about the ingredients of your ideal writing weekend. that might be a… Continue reading a writing retreat
twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army
at the end of my day, i often ask myself, what was the theme for today? on this day, january 11, it was peace. with all the things that are happening in gaza right now, it was sad. and yet it was good. i am so grateful for all the good friends here on twitter… Continue reading twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army