christmas, love, agape

these days i really seem to enjoy to quote from books.  here’s one i have talked about before: the priority of love: christian charity and social justice, by timothy p. jackson.  let me give you some quotes. jackson puts the christian virtue of charity in close context of agape.  according to the stanford dictionary of… Continue reading christmas, love, agape

scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel

here’s an excerpt from the novel i’m writing for national novel writing month (NaNoWriMo).  it’s raw and unedited, just the way i wrote it.  19,391 words and counting … “next thing i can recall is a bed, the softest, most comfortable bed i’ve ever slept in. there were blankets all over, so soft and so… Continue reading scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel

belief in a personal god

through my twitter connection @UUsoul i came across a post on the topic of a personal god at celestial lands. i figured that rather than replying, i’ll comment in a post here. david from celestial lands says i believe that there is no division in god, that every moment of every day we are intimately… Continue reading belief in a personal god

a buddhist carnival – first 2009 edition!

welcome to the buddhist blog carnival! sometimes, rather than a carnival, i would like to call it a caravan. i’ve always liked camels, what can i say … poem: man is not our enemy we always start off with a poem. here is one by thich nhat hanh, presented by change the dream promise me,… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – first 2009 edition!


there’s a new web site, prayer 2.0, with an interesting discussion regarding different ideas about prayer. my reply turned out to be quite long so i figured i’d simply post it here. one contributor said this, among other things: in my mind, “pray” is something you do when you don’t want to do anything yourself.… Continue reading prayer