blog action day: water poem #2

for blog action day on october 15, 2010, i am posting 15 water poems in 15 hours. poem #2 jesus walk through the swamp moss on his head cross far behind eyes on the ground on the swamp jesus your eyes on the swamp in the swamp with the swamp jesus and moss and the… Continue reading blog action day: water poem #2

scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel

here’s an excerpt from the novel i’m writing for national novel writing month (NaNoWriMo).  it’s raw and unedited, just the way i wrote it.  19,391 words and counting … “next thing i can recall is a bed, the softest, most comfortable bed i’ve ever slept in. there were blankets all over, so soft and so… Continue reading scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel

musings on the meaning of good friday

jesus was a mystery to me two years ago, and he still is. so let me muse on him a bit more, today, on good friday. a day that changed everything, for a lot of people in the last 2000 years. many adults have experienced days like that. bifurcation days – before that day, life… Continue reading musings on the meaning of good friday