welcome to the 7th carnival of eating disorders! this round, i’m trying something new. i’ll discuss the articles in a little more detail and break them up over two days. let me know how you like that! today we’ll talk about the topic of addictions and habits (or lack of them). corn products at the… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #7 (part 1)
Month: June 2007
6 steps to chasing away the naysaying gremlin
surinder: “hey, wanna come to the beach tonight?” petra: “oh, i don’t know if i can make it to the beach. the weather probably won’t hold.” steve: “sure, i’ll come!” brian: “yeah, i’ll show up. if it rains, we can always leave early.” dorothy: “no, i’m sorry i can’t make it. i’m busy working on… Continue reading 6 steps to chasing away the naysaying gremlin
about birds and books
my friend aaron zacharias – not aaron the walker but aaron the painter – shares this beautiful story: thursday, one of my clients, on a whim wanted us to go downtown and visit the library. then he asked if we could look around in a couple of antiquarian bookstores on pender. in one of these… Continue reading about birds and books
rant: anglican qualifiers
“may i ask what age group you fall into? ok, thanks. do you work for a marketing company? no? good. and your household income? thank you. last question, what postal code do you live in? oh, V5W? i’m sorry, we already have the quota for people with your profile filled.” i’m sure you’ve all heard… Continue reading rant: anglican qualifiers
treating alcohol addiction
according to medicine.net, there is more and more agreement that alcohol abuse occurs on a continuum. it needs to be treated accordingly; traditional methods of helping alcoholics work for less than half of them. project MATCH, a project involving over 80 therapists, is now looking at ways to match patient preferences with different kinds of… Continue reading treating alcohol addiction
monday bullets
hot coffee girl, a blogger i met through damien riley, introduced me to the idea of “blogging bullet points” – short little tidbits to blog about. so here are some random things that have been rattling around here these last few days: reading the marlowe chronicles righ now. an aging actor (ham?) is facing death… Continue reading monday bullets
six good acts
“don’t chew your moustache (or anyone else’s)” that’s part of what robert c. carson call’s the “pleasant person’s act”. in my last post i mentioned his book, taming your gremlin and you may remember how he talked about the discomfort, even pain, that can come from following your self-concept rather than just being yourself. in… Continue reading six good acts
solstice 2007
gentle rain links this soft night with soil, still steaming from the day – ride upwards to those stars in wafts of early summer. and already the seed of fall is getting ready, yawning, stretching, scratching the green of a blade here and there. solstice tonight, and everything here contains everything. those clouds that cover… Continue reading solstice 2007
self image, faces, hands and feet
over a week ago, i got tagged by one of my new blogger friends, damien at riley central, to talk about “the face behind the hands” (the blogging hands, one presumes). well, you guys get to see my face with every blog post, so i’m not going to add yet another one. but you’ve probably… Continue reading self image, faces, hands and feet
the 12 steps, buddhist fashion
one of my twitter friends, ben, has been alerting me to all kinds of interesting links lately. through him i found this here, the 12 steps of liberation, a recovery program from a buddhist view. it’s brought to us by the universal compassion centre. the 12 steps of liberation 1. the truth of suffering. we… Continue reading the 12 steps, buddhist fashion