i once was a hippie

… and probably still am.  for your amusement, while you wait for this blog to be healed (again!  how often does this happen?!) here’s an image of me i found while checking whether google searches about me actually point to me again, not to those sites the hackers had redirected them to.

Categorized as general

showing those hackers where to go

i’ve had some problems with this blog – it got hacked and diverted a lot of the traffic to other web sites. i’m slowly getting things up to snuff again but it may take a while. in the meantime, enjoy the new look – it won’t last long 🙂

Categorized as general

what is science?

i was rooting around in my computer the other day trying to find something i had written about the german philosopher max scheler (see my comment about knowledge in my last post about ann mortifee’s new book).  in this sojourn i stumbled across a philosophy journal i was writing on and off and which contained… Continue reading what is science?

“in love with the mystery” – ann mortifee’s new book

“mystery” – how do you talk about it? “the deeper you go into it, the more difficult it is to name,” says ann mortifee, and “everything becomes mysterious after a while.” the first mystery that struck me as i entered st. mark’s church where ann mortifee’s launch for her new book and CD in love… Continue reading “in love with the mystery” – ann mortifee’s new book

“be love now” by ram dass – annoying or enlightening?

be love now is ram dass’s newest book.  it will be misunderstood by many.  in fact, it – or at least ram dass himself – already has been misunderstood.  “ram dass is a superb writer,” the san francisco chronicle says.  calling ram dass a superb writer is like praising the world’s most lovingly raised organic… Continue reading “be love now” by ram dass – annoying or enlightening?