be love now is ram dass’s newest book. it will be misunderstood by many. in fact, it – or at least ram dass himself – already has been misunderstood. “ram dass is a superb writer,” the san francisco chronicle says. calling ram dass a superb writer is like praising the world’s most lovingly raised organic… Continue reading “be love now” by ram dass – annoying or enlightening?
Tag: love
mental health camp today!
these are my opening remarks for mental health camp today. if you’re on twitter, you can follow the conference via the hashtag #mhcyvr10. this is a conference that was conceived and organized in love, excitement and harmony. while we talk about stigma and silence, what is much more interesting to us is to move forward… Continue reading mental health camp today!
napowrimo: random poem
for national poetry writing month, i’ll be posting one of my poems every day. today: a random poem, selected blindly from one of my poetry databases. all over this land my bell rings with water in it it rings and it brings cups full of overflowing worries nagging guilting voices saying no no no my… Continue reading napowrimo: random poem
love every day
is it valentine’s day yet? what? i missed it? drat! yup, that was one of the things that fell between the cracks during my trip to europe. what also fell between the cracks was telling you about an ebook that chelle kindly invited me to participate in. as a gift to her readers on valentine’s… Continue reading love every day
christmas, love, agape
these days i really seem to enjoy to quote from books. here’s one i have talked about before: the priority of love: christian charity and social justice, by timothy p. jackson. let me give you some quotes. jackson puts the christian virtue of charity in close context of agape. according to the stanford dictionary of… Continue reading christmas, love, agape
be the change: loving awareness
each person can use the mantra, ‘i am loving awareness.’ just repeat this and become loving awareness. then we share that loving awareness with all others. ram dass “just repeat this and become …” – these words by one of my favourite writers sound so simple. and they are. (btw, it’s another quote from be… Continue reading be the change: loving awareness
scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel
here’s an excerpt from the novel i’m writing for national novel writing month (NaNoWriMo). it’s raw and unedited, just the way i wrote it. 19,391 words and counting … “next thing i can recall is a bed, the softest, most comfortable bed i’ve ever slept in. there were blankets all over, so soft and so… Continue reading scribbling like mad: an excerpt from my nanowrimo novel
love on a wordless wednesday
image by bobster
valentine’s day, yes and no
contrary to some ideas that have been floating around that valentine’s day is an invention of hallmark’s, valentine’s day has been around for a long time. valentine’s day is a day of fertility, of the first stirrings of spring rising up, the seeds waking up, ready to sprout with the first warmth of the sun.… Continue reading valentine’s day, yes and no
chinese love poetry, again
valentine’s day week … more love … and like every year, a chinese love poem. this time it’s contemporary, by eddie tay cold wind there is a cold wind rising at 3 a.m., and here i am on this furtive pavement of men, haunting the night for you. for months, the wine spilled upon your… Continue reading chinese love poetry, again