the weekend to end breast cancer

hi everyone just a quick post today. i’ve decided to post occasionally about my weekend to end breast cancer participation on urbanvancouver. go to it to see my first entry! isabella mori counselling in vancouver

children and war

i found this in medicalnews today: How Do Children Understand The Phenomenon Of War? All over the world children are exposed to war, some first-hand, others through media images. However, little is known about how children understand the phenomenon of war, and many parents are unsure how to approach the subjects of war and terrorism… Continue reading children and war

healthy lifestyle strategies

A UCLA research study published in the June issue of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people may be able to improve their cognitive function and brain efficiency by making simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness and stress reduction into their daily lives. Researchers found that after… Continue reading healthy lifestyle strategies

tracing depression

what is depression? sometimes tracing the various meanings of words can help in understanding the concept or experience for which the word stands. a while ago i spent a few hours trying to pin down when the word “depression” was first used. it looks like henry maudsley, a british physician (there were no psychologists before… Continue reading tracing depression