prayer to be simple

when i was in germany, i picked up a slim little book of poetry, die gebete der demut (prayers of humility) by french poet francis jammes.  he lived from 1868 to 1938.  the poetry foundation says about him that he was … best known for his poetry of the natural world, in which he praised… Continue reading prayer to be simple

sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan

here is a beautiful prayer, sent by my mennonite friends who work in afghanistan. even though the elections are over, it still very much applies. for the people of afghanistan god of love and life, we pray for the people of afghanistan during this election time. may your peace descend upon them and upon their… Continue reading sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan

recovering from addiction: a prayer

a prayer by someone dealing with addiction: dear higher powers: thank you for another day of life. help me to walk closely with you today. work through me so that i may better help others. help me when i am weak. help me to reach out to your unending strength. help me to remain hopeful… Continue reading recovering from addiction: a prayer


there’s a new web site, prayer 2.0, with an interesting discussion regarding different ideas about prayer. my reply turned out to be quite long so i figured i’d simply post it here. one contributor said this, among other things: in my mind, “pray” is something you do when you don’t want to do anything yourself.… Continue reading prayer