this morning, i visited chitowngreg’s sunday post about gratitude. it was fabulous to see all the comments there – 48 at the time i was visiting. and then of course my research brain got curious. what a great treasure trove to delve a little into to find out what specific things people are grateful for!… Continue reading looking into gratitude
Tag: 12 steps
alcoholism and everyday addictions
the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous are sometimes summarized in these seven words: i can’t god can i better let god these pithy words come from the first three steps: 1. we admitted we were powerless over alcohol, and that our lives had become unmanageable 2. we came to believe that a power greater than… Continue reading alcoholism and everyday addictions
a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush
a guest post by the 12-step buddhist: how do you feel now that barack is official? i’m still in shock. waiting for a big news release about some kick ass exec orders reversing idiocracy. one of the big questions for me is how to practice buddhism and the principles of 12-step recovery around politics. on… Continue reading a 12-step buddhist talks about anger and george bush
buddhist carnival – december 2008 edition, part 2
here is part 2 of this month’s buddhist carnival. part 1 can be found here. balance one of the things that attract me so strongly to buddhism is the idea of moderation and balance. i love the story of the buddha attaining enlightenment not through his years of asceticism but after accepting a modest drink… Continue reading buddhist carnival – december 2008 edition, part 2
depression and AA: as bill sees it
john at storied mind recently wrote a post on the intersection between depression and the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous. it just so happens that same evening i was browsing through “as bill sees it”, a compilation of writings by bill w., the founder of that group. it has a few entries on depression. you… Continue reading depression and AA: as bill sees it
recovering from addiction: a prayer
a prayer by someone dealing with addiction: dear higher powers: thank you for another day of life. help me to walk closely with you today. work through me so that i may better help others. help me when i am weak. help me to reach out to your unending strength. help me to remain hopeful… Continue reading recovering from addiction: a prayer