here is part 2 of this month’s buddhist carnival. part 1 can be found here. balance one of the things that attract me so strongly to buddhism is the idea of moderation and balance. i love the story of the buddha attaining enlightenment not through his years of asceticism but after accepting a modest drink… Continue reading buddhist carnival – december 2008 edition, part 2
Tag: illusion
september buddhist carnival part 2
hello friends, i’m back with part 2 of the buddhist carnival. part 1 is here. the last one had a pretty clear theme – delusions and illusions. this one is a bit more all over the place except for the first two pieces, they have something in common. they’re a bit crude. meditation rant new… Continue reading september buddhist carnival part 2
september buddhist carnival – the delusion edition
one of the first pieces of information i came across this morning, before breakfast yet, was the the stock market disaster today. a bit of nervousness wanted to creep in. how good to remember that the fears that can be aroused by such events are made of illusion, and that the stability that we all… Continue reading september buddhist carnival – the delusion edition