here, finally, is a review long promised, of alister mcharg’s extraordinary memoir, invisible driving. this book, says alistair, reads with the urgency of a novel. my work delivers a wild and hilarious thrill ride through the misunderstood, phantasmagorical world of manic depression, providing both a visceral sense of the experience and a thoughtful context for… Continue reading “invisible driving”: a memoir of mania and depression
Tag: AA
the wisdom to know the difference
the good people at TLC book tours asked me to write a review of eileen flanagan’s book the wisdom to know the difference – when to make a change, and when to let go. let’s start with a tidbit that resonated with me “often when we accept something we shouldn’t, we feel resignation, rather than… Continue reading the wisdom to know the difference
alcoholism and everyday addictions
the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous are sometimes summarized in these seven words: i can’t god can i better let god these pithy words come from the first three steps: 1. we admitted we were powerless over alcohol, and that our lives had become unmanageable 2. we came to believe that a power greater than… Continue reading alcoholism and everyday addictions
recovery art on a wordless wednesday
image by my new blogging friend, alcoholic outsider artist
taking responsibility: constance barnes and the braidwood enquiry
i was going to offer you another poem of sarah’s in this post but there’s something i need to say before we move on to that. the braidwood enquiry into robert dziekanski’s death, the polish immigrant who was tasered at the vancouver airport in the fall of 2007. and constance barnes. right from the very… Continue reading taking responsibility: constance barnes and the braidwood enquiry
blogathon: 6 questions about change – twelve-step’s step 6
i haven’t done an entry on the twelve steps for a while. the last one was on step five. the idea of discussing the 12 steps here is to look at how they can help anyone, not only people who go to groups like alcoholics anonymous, overeaters anonymous or alanon (for people with alcoholics in… Continue reading blogathon: 6 questions about change – twelve-step’s step 6
more on the 12 steps: step 5
it’s been almost a year that i last discussed a step from the 12-step programs a la AA. thankfully, someone made a comment on another 12-step post, and that spurred me on to another post. while the 12 steps were originally intended to help alcoholics and addicts, they have proven to be a fine blueprint… Continue reading more on the 12 steps: step 5