the good people at TLC book tours asked me to write a review of eileen flanagan’s book the wisdom to know the difference – when to make a change, and when to let go. let’s start with a tidbit that resonated with me “often when we accept something we shouldn’t, we feel resignation, rather than… Continue reading the wisdom to know the difference
Tag: self-help
therese borchard: the pocket therapist
earlier this year, you heard me rave about therese borchard’s book beyond blue a few times. she has a new book out, the pocket therapist. i just received it and haven’t opened it yet. because i have so much trust in therese, i’ll do this: i’ll look at three random pages, tell you what i… Continue reading therese borchard: the pocket therapist
finding your way through grief
grief is not something that i have a lot experience with as a counsellor, so it was interesting to read through psychologist roberta temes’ solace – finding your way through grief and learning to live again. the book’s no-nonsense, empowering tone is set right in the first paragraph of the introduction: you are experiencing this… Continue reading finding your way through grief
10 happy questions
as you know, questions have a special place in my heart (see this post on encouraging questions, for example.) as i was preparing for a little workshop i facilitated today on solution focused coaching and counselling, i realized that my first discovery of the power of questions was not back in 1999, when i first… Continue reading 10 happy questions
the intensive journal process
i haven’t written anything about journaling for a while, so i was very pleased when i got an offer to write a paid review for the progoff intensive journalĀ® program. it was a particularly nice surprise because i actually own ira progoff’s at a journal workshop, the basic text and guide for using the intensive… Continue reading the intensive journal process