9 keys to achieving your artistic goals? no! way more!

eric maisel’s new book making your creative mark promises nine keys to achieving your artistic goals. that’s a lie. the book literally chimes and jingles with keys. the last eleven pages alone has 99 of them, for example these 10: one of the best ways to help yourself create every day is to craft a starting… Continue reading 9 keys to achieving your artistic goals? no! way more!

personality tests

looking for a site with lots of personality tests? similar minds (link below) is not a bad resource for that. not only do you get the standard meyers briggs but also other ones. here you can see my cattell 16 PF result. the “16PF” refer to 16 personality traits. wikipedia will tell you lots more… Continue reading personality tests

mental health advice: tell me what you think

the other day i received a phone call from william (not his real name), very distressed. he was in the psych ward, on his third week now. “i gotta get better, i gotta get better!” he kept saying. his hospitalization had been preceded by a good six weeks of progressively worsening mental health. anxiety, depression… Continue reading mental health advice: tell me what you think

therese borchard: the pocket therapist

earlier this year, you heard me rave about therese borchard’s book beyond blue a few times. she has a new book out, the pocket therapist. i just received it and haven’t opened it yet. because i have so much trust in therese, i’ll do this: i’ll look at three random pages, tell you what i… Continue reading therese borchard: the pocket therapist

morita therapy, the psychology of action

once in a while i tell people that the name of my company is moritherapy and they say, “oh yes, i know moritherapy!” what they usually mean is morita therapy. it’s about time i explore what that is. the information here comes from the ToDo institute. morita therapy is sometimes referred to as the psychology… Continue reading morita therapy, the psychology of action