this morning, i visited chitowngreg’s sunday post about gratitude. it was fabulous to see all the comments there – 48 at the time i was visiting. and then of course my research brain got curious. what a great treasure trove to delve a little into to find out what specific things people are grateful for!… Continue reading looking into gratitude
Tag: nature
teetertotter on a wordless wednesday
outdoor office on a wordless wednesday
detlef cordes‘ outdoor office. image by sabine langnau under creative commons license
prayer to be simple
when i was in germany, i picked up a slim little book of poetry, die gebete der demut (prayers of humility) by french poet francis jammes. he lived from 1868 to 1938. the poetry foundation says about him that he was … best known for his poetry of the natural world, in which he praised… Continue reading prayer to be simple
iceland on a wordless wednesday
image by diego cupolo
hiking on a wordless wednesday in the fall
image by dongga
vancouver thunderstorm on a wordless wednesday
image by kirstaeleman
scottish river on a wordless wednesday
image by eggybird
long grass on a wordless wednesday
image by hdptcar of the central african republic
cuyahoga colours on a wordless wednesday
this photograph is by my blogging friend anthony. to see the whole splendid photo essay, click here.