where does this go? those of you who have been here often may have noticed that i’ve become somewhat quiet lately. here’s why. i’m trying to revamp my life a bit. bringing some things to a close, shedding others – basically making room for something new. what that new thing is, i don’t know (i… Continue reading changes at change therapy: expectations and silence
Tag: blogging
bryan alexander improv
unable to hear internet legend’s bryan alexander’s keynote address at northern voice (the reverb was awful), i decided to turn it into an experiment. for about 15 minutes, i recorded the words i could hear (maybe every 10th word or so), then i categorized them and turned them into an improv style remix. here is… Continue reading bryan alexander improv
journaling – what works for you?
today, please visit marie at coming out of the trees. about her blog she says i’m passing along a collection of excerpts from my personal and therapy journals to whomever needs to read them. i’m sharing my story so that those of you who are on a similar journey can know that you aren’t the… Continue reading journaling – what works for you?
blog action day
october 15 is blog action day. blog action day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. the aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. the goal first and last, the purpose of blog action day is to create a discussion. bloggers… Continue reading blog action day
diversity and inclusion
here’s a little more from raul’s blog. the topic raul broached was diversity. by the way, those of you who are not engaged in social media, please don’t run away. because guess what – what’s happening in social media is very similar to what’s happening IRL – i mean, in real life 🙂 raul quotes… Continue reading diversity and inclusion
blog post #1000: possible dreams
this is my entry for joanna young’s newest mission impossible group writing project where she challenged writers to push their blogging boundaries. i had asked you, my dear readers, to suggest what i should do. all kinds of interesting ideas came up and i’ll definitely try to incorporate as many as possible in my blog… Continue reading blog post #1000: possible dreams
why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
i just want to send some kudos to hank for his fabulous blog post want to know what i think? in that post, hank waxes intelligently and humourously and historically about what makes us blog, or generally express ourselves, like martin luther, famous for publicly posting his disagreements with catholic dogma (except for the parts… Continue reading why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
out of bounds! what’s possible?
joanna at confident writing has a neat new group writing project: the theme is possibility. the challenge, should you accept it, is this: 1. break out of your current blogging comfort zone and 2. post something that’s written in a form you haven’t used before, or that’s created using a different medium. a new form… Continue reading out of bounds! what’s possible?
free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes
today’s writing prompt is: i create problems for myself just so i can get creatively turned on. ha! this is for you, ray [a lawyer i worked for back in the eighties]. numbers here, numbers there, tumbling all over the place and rarely getting to their assigned seat. number monkeys. taxes unpaid. misspellings. words misheard.… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes
blogging yourself home – part 2
in my last MentalHealthCamp post, we started talking about what the word “home” means to us. the wordle image here illustrates what some of the commenters in that post said, as well as what was mentioned during the workshop at MentalHealthCamp. what happens when you are in this good home, and you’re going through a… Continue reading blogging yourself home – part 2