yay! we now have the speakers list and topics for mental health camp, the conference about the intersection between social media and mental health. more information on the topics will trickle in by the end of june. if you want to sign up to come to this conference, go to our eventbrite page. there will… Continue reading speaker line-up for mental health camp
Tag: activism
rising up to end stigma
as you know, i am a proud member of the canadian mental health association. i am even prouder to announce that a participant advisory committee, that is, individuals who are using the services of the CMHA vancouver/burnaby branch, is hosting an event for people living with mental illness and those affected by it to talk… Continue reading rising up to end stigma
scriptio divina
in a guest post at alison’s blog writing mental illness, i discuss the idea of scriptio divina, or spiritual writing. here is a little excerpt: i don’t think it’s possible to truly connect with ourselves and with the divine (whatever you want to call it; from the traditional christian god to the new age universe… Continue reading scriptio divina
blog action day
october 15 is blog action day. blog action day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. the aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. the goal first and last, the purpose of blog action day is to create a discussion. bloggers… Continue reading blog action day
ride for mental health – join the party!
if you live in vancouver, or anywhere in canada for that, please join 60-year-old xerox executive mel thompson in his 100-day ride for mental health. more here at our MentalHealthCamp. image by bernat
MentalHealthCamp – the power of social media
here are my opening notes to MentalHealthCamp yesterday; they followed raul’s great introduction to the workings of social media. we decided that he would be the social media guy and i’d be the mental health gal. (how well raul and i worked together deserves a whole post by itself). i managed to present most of… Continue reading MentalHealthCamp – the power of social media
international day of peace
somehow i missed that today is the international day of peace. i’m about to go to bed but want to at least pay some hommage to it; thanks to clark’s picks to remind me! he has a video on his blog of peter, paul and mary singing “there but for fortune“. it’s a song i… Continue reading international day of peace
blogathon: blogging for the canadian mental health association
bill* started participating with CMHA’s recreation program in 1999. his first event was a four-day camping trip with four staff and twenty-three other participants who he had never met before. bill made an instant impression though – he wore a big black cowboy hat and bermuda shorts, and displayed a genuine appreciation for the opportunity… Continue reading blogathon: blogging for the canadian mental health association
blogathon: they’re all fighting the good fight
us vancouver bloggers aren’t the only ones who are participating in the blogathon. thanks to the wonderful organizing powers of day of blogs, people all over the internet are fighting the good fight and blogging for causes. here they are: animal rights trish is blogging for bay state equine rescue . stacie is blogging for… Continue reading blogathon: they’re all fighting the good fight
a global community celebrates earth day
a friend of mine sent me this for earth day: * think of no-one as ‘them’ * don’t confuse your comfort with your safety * talk to strangers * imagine other cultures through their poetry and novels * listen to music you don’t understand * act locally * notice the workings of power & privilege… Continue reading a global community celebrates earth day