“for to carry you to freedom”: a remembrance day song

in a few days, november 11, it’s remembrance day here in canada, or veterans day in the U.S. many wars were and are still being fought, and many struggles. writing a novel about a slave on a louisiana plantation, one of the struggles that is foremost in my mind is the one against slavery in… Continue reading “for to carry you to freedom”: a remembrance day song

obama: yes we can!

“yes we can!” i’m imagining the hero of my NaNoWriMo novel, joe – or kosi, his african name – watching obama’s acceptance speech tonight. “yes we can!” my novel spans close to 250 years, starting with a west african amazon who ends up a slave in louisiana. joe is her grandson. he dies and –… Continue reading obama: yes we can!

dia de los muertos and NaNoWriMo

it’s dia de los muertos today, day of the dead. thought i’d give you a little excerpt from my novel, right when the hero dies, slumped against a tree after running through the swamp. the hero is joe, who lived as a slave on a sugar plantation in louisiana. anyways, here i was sitting against… Continue reading dia de los muertos and NaNoWriMo

freedom, redemption and inspiration

one of the people to whom i passed on my “brilliant blog” award, sojourner, has a meme, sunday inspirations. similar to wordless wednesday, it’s a day of the week dedicated to a theme. it was created in honor of sojourner’s mother and is just one way to help get us through the week ahead, the… Continue reading freedom, redemption and inspiration