carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2

here’s part 2 of eating disorders carnival #23, a monthly blog carnival about eating disorders, body image and related issues. part 1 is here. intuitive eating: challenge the food police through thick’n’thin has a series of posts where the book “intuitive eating” by evelyn tribole and elyse resch is discussed. the book contains ‘the in-body… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2

obama: yes we can!

“yes we can!” i’m imagining the hero of my NaNoWriMo novel, joe – or kosi, his african name – watching obama’s acceptance speech tonight. “yes we can!” my novel spans close to 250 years, starting with a west african amazon who ends up a slave in louisiana. joe is her grandson. he dies and –… Continue reading obama: yes we can!

blogathon: the temple of my familiar by alice walker (a book review)

copyrighted in 1989, alice walker’s the temple of my familiar is anything but new, at least to our way of thinking. to miss lissie, one of the book’s main protagonists, the 19 years that have intervened since then would be but a barely noticeable blip, seeing that she can remember lives back to the times… Continue reading blogathon: the temple of my familiar by alice walker (a book review)