many years ago, i learned a little about validation therapy but i keep forgetting about it. it is a form of therapy that works with very old people, especially people with severe alzheimer’s. of course, the types of therapy that work in these situations always have something in it that can be very powerful in… Continue reading validation therapy
Tag: seniors
bon voyage to me
hey everyone – if you’ve been wondering why i haven’t done lots of updates lately, it’s because i was getting ready for what is the most significant voyage for me since 33 years ago, when i took my 4-year-old son and emigrated from germany to paraguay. my mother is moving into a seniors’ home and… Continue reading bon voyage to me
researching motivation
a beautiful body, a calm mind, health into old age, a job that makes you bounce out of the bed in the morning with excitement – aaah, we all want it. and for many of us, these dreams area attainable. what often stands in the way is our sluggish attitude towards changing our ways to… Continue reading researching motivation
old lady on a wordless wednesday
image by soylentgreen
carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2
here’s part 2 of eating disorders carnival #23, a monthly blog carnival about eating disorders, body image and related issues. part 1 is here. intuitive eating: challenge the food police through thick’n’thin has a series of posts where the book “intuitive eating” by evelyn tribole and elyse resch is discussed. the book contains ‘the in-body… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2
blogathon: what happened to SFU’s seniors’ program??
it used to be when you turned 60, you could go to university for free. a wonderful tradition and one that, i’m sure, didn’t cost the university very much at all. and then one day … well, read on. this is a letter to the editor by my friend ruth. on january 1, 2008, i… Continue reading blogathon: what happened to SFU’s seniors’ program??