researching motivation

a beautiful body, a calm mind, health into old age, a job that makes you bounce out of the bed in the morning with excitement – aaah, we all want it. and for many of us, these dreams area attainable. what often stands in the way is our sluggish attitude towards changing our ways to… Continue reading researching motivation

buddhist carnival, may 2009 – the mixed-bag-it’s-all-connected edition

may 15 – time for another buddhist carnival. if you want to see previous buddhist carnivals, go here. today there is no topic, really, just a criss-cross romp through the buddhasphere. another enlightenment machine … like the one you see depicted to the right. here are some explanations i have made an exciting new “thought… Continue reading buddhist carnival, may 2009 – the mixed-bag-it’s-all-connected edition