it’s sunday inspiration time, a meme created by my friend sojourner.
today i am inspired by
- reading and writing haiku
- my 2-year-old grandson and his single-minded focus on choo-choo trains
- my professional immigrant clients from china who are giving up impressive professional success in their country to start from scratch in a totally new culture
- my friend tina who refused to let a label of “learning disability” stand in her way
- kathi bentall who dedicates herself to provide refuges of calmness and relaxation to the people in vancouver’s downtown eastside with the listening post, a little meditation oasis on main and hastings, and rivendell, a beautiful retreat on bowen island
- people who use social media in friendly, respectful and creative ways, with the intention to mutually rich relationships and make the world a better place – like sojourner
- my friend a. who is throwing perfection to the wind and has decided not to wait for the ideal job, the ideal wife or the ideal apartment to be happy
- stephen baxter’s book manifold: space; a book of such extraordinarily epic proportions that “inspired” is almost too small a word
- the people in my support group, especially the guys – it’s not easy to bare your soul in a roomful of women if you’re a man
- the characters in my novel. so imperfect and still stumbling towards honesty, love and freedom
- twitter people who tweet about one of my all-time favourite writers, alice walker
- bishop td jakes on free your mind (yes, despite the controversy)
- bob marley. always.
who (or what) inspires you today?
(i guess i should ask particularly you, vivien from InspirationBit)
image by monkeysox