here is something a friend of mine wrote. i’m reprinting it because, well, i’m not a big fan of the olympics here. (yet? maybe i’ll change my mind? there’s a few days yet to go …) right now the city is in the midst of preparations, and deep collective angst, for the games that will… Continue reading oh geez, the olympics
Tag: olympics
bye bye B-line
for a while now, i have been working part-time for the mennonite central committee in richmond. i’d get on the 49 bus to granville street, and then take the 98 B-line down granville. granville is one of the older streets of vancouver, and that stretch down to the fraser river is lined by old trees,… Continue reading bye bye B-line
carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2
okay, here we are with part 2 of the 19th carnival of eating disorders. part 1 was about anorexia; this one contains articles on overeating and body image. overeating cravings cravings – your biggest motivator is the title of FitNChic’s article: most people give up their efforts after a while because they feel they are… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2
light a candle for tibet – and for so much more
today, august 7th 2008, is the day before the opening ceremony of the olympic games in beijing. on this day, millions of people from all over the world will light a candle and say yes to freedom in tibet! find out more here on the candles for tibet site. i know, this is a bit of… Continue reading light a candle for tibet – and for so much more
a candle in the window for tibet – almost wordless
tomorrow, august 7th 2008, is the day before the opening ceremony of the olympic games in beijing. on this day we aim to create the world’s greatest LIGHT PROTEST, when at least 100 million people from all over the world will light a candle and say YES to freedom in tibet! find out more here… Continue reading a candle in the window for tibet – almost wordless