carnival of eating disorders on hallowe’en

it’s hallowe’en! i’m busy being a fashion mistake – that’s my costume for this year. this picture gives you a bit of a taste of but it doesn’t show the real nice touches – the smeared rouge, the bags under the eyes, the wool socks over the leopard pyjamas under the fancy black skirt –… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders on hallowe’en

carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2

okay, here we are with part 2 of the 19th carnival of eating disorders. part 1 was about anorexia; this one contains articles on overeating and body image. overeating cravings cravings – your biggest motivator is the title of FitNChic’s article: most people give up their efforts after a while because they feel they are… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2

recovering from anorexia: overcoming the obstacles

today we have a guest post from aliya, who has been very active in our anorexia recovery forum. she is a young woman who has been in recovery from anorexia for 7 months. she shares her struggles in the beginning of recovery from anorexia and how to overcome them. well, having been in recovery for… Continue reading recovering from anorexia: overcoming the obstacles