today, august 7th 2008, is the day before the opening ceremony of the olympic games in beijing. on this day, millions of people from all over the world will light a candle and say yes to freedom in tibet! find out more here on the candles for tibet site.
i know, this is a bit of a repeat from my post yesterday but this is important enough to repeat it. important things need to be repeated, and thought and talked about over and over again.
what i’m thinking today: yes, this is about tibet. about lighting the candle of freedom in the black night of oppression.
it’s also about lighting the candle of peace activism in the dim chaos of war, aggression and lovelessness.
it’s about lighting the candle of thoughtfulness and reflection in the shadowland of olympic consumerism.
it’s about lighting the candle of beauty amidst despair and bleakness.
and because it’s also about lighting the candle of healing in nights of pain and sorrow, i’d like to invite my fellow hosts from the carnival of healing to rise up together and each to bring healing thoughts and light to the world on this special day.
here they are:
jaelin k. reece
christopher stewart
evelyn rodriguez
lucy macdonald
elisa camahort
brendan mcphillips
scott k. smith
dr. deborah serani
edward mills
hueina su
cindy hebbard
katelyn at life without memories
cardin lilly routh
clara myers
tupten choepel (tc)
mary guarino kearns ramsay
debra moorhead
jessika d’arcy
ife oshun
eric gray
astrid lee
lola fayemi
dee savoy
paula g
john robben
janet dagley dagley
daylle deanna schwartz
julie meyer
jenn givler
yael ernst
joe lasiter
tonie konig
cynthia quarta